I love hearing from my readers. Especially when it is something positive
Seriously, I like feedback whether good or bad and take seriously your thoughts and comments. I have had a lot of positive reviews on many of the Bee Queen’s line of Manuka Honey products. The one below is from a freind and fellow horse professional who reached out to me about a specific horse health issue. Originally developed as a chemical free horse salve, the Bee Queen Honey Healing Balm has proven beneficial to skin issues that face its human counterparts. The following is a testimonial by Marie Klimova.
“Over the last year, the Bee Queen lotions traveled the world with me. I brought them as presents when I went to Europe and everybody loved them. My 83yo grandmother told me after few weeks of using her Bee Queen product that it is the best lotion she’s had in years.
I myself use Bee Queen lotions every day. Working around horses makes my hands dry with a lot of cracks. I have tried several different lotions but none of them had even close response to the Bee Queen lotion. It’s immediate healing effect helps me get through the day at my job every time I have any cuts or cracks on my hands. Lately, that has not been a problem thanks to using the lotion every day and therefore keeping my hands moisturized, but before I started using the Bee Queen lotion regularly, my hands were in very bad shape. I found out that the fastest way to get rid of cracks on my hands is to put the lotion on and cover it with a band aid. This way I can keep working and my hands are fine the next day.
Last but not least, I use Bee Queen products on horses as well. Bee Queen balm helped one of our horses recover from skin irritations that kept coming back after using other medications. This mare had itchy spots all over her body and it was getting worse every day. She kept losing hair and was acting like she was very uncomfortable, looking for a place to rub on every time we let her in the paddock or even in her stall. We gave her several cortisone shots and treated affected spots with Corona and other similar products. Nothing seemed to be helping until I started putting the Bee Queen balm on her body. The results came after several days when current spots were not getting any worse. After two weeks, hair started coming back and most of the affected areas healed.
I highly recommend all the Bee Queen products.”
Before (Itching and miserable)
After (no new scabs or bald patches and hair growing in)
Marie Klimova is from the Czech Republic and works at the beautiful CS Ranch in Texas, home to world champion reiners.
Marie is a professional horsewoman, a recent graduate of Kansas State University and member of the KSU NCAA Equestrian Team.
Thanks to Marie for sharing her experiences. Honey Healing Balm is available at https://www.bee-queen.com/products/
Get yours today!