Who Needs Fifty Shades of Gray?

The grim, gray days are over and Spring has finally sprung. Who needs fifty shades of gray when the colorfu sights of Spring are all around us? I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you.

Lilacs have been plentiful and vibrant this year. We’ve had just the right amount of cool mornings balanced with moisture and sunshine. We have four shades of lilacs at the farm and they are all beautiful, but the fuchsia (above) is definitely my favorite. They are old bushes, in place when we bought the property 15 years ago. Each year, the bees and I eagerly await their blooms. A sure sign of Spring!

White lilacs retain the same heady aroma as their colorful cousins but they are more delicate and the first to be damaged with brisk winds or heavy rain.

Caught in the bud to bloom stage, a lovely contrast.

A pink tinged lavender is beautiful as well. They all smell divine and I have determined to retain the essence of lilac by making jelly this year. Yes, lilac is edible. So stay tuned for my lilac jelly experiment coming soon!

FYI, lilac blooms rinsed and coated with superfine sugar make a beautiful cake topping and they taste good too!


  • Common Lilac is a member of in the olive family. It most likely originated on the Balkan peninsula. Fast forward to modern times and lilac species are found growing throughout the populated world, prized for its beauty and aromatic scent.
  • French Lilac is the most popular species
  • Spring or Fall are the best time to plant lilac bushes
  • Lilacs are low maintainance but do require regular pruning which aids in pest prevention and produces healthier plants. Prune after the blooms, not in the winter so the plant’s new growth will bloom next year.
  • Liliacs can be affected by borers and require treatment immediately. Usually a solution of soapy water will take care of the infestation.
  • The offshoots can be easily proprogated and established in new plantings as they are clump forming around the base. See my post; https://www.bee-queen.com/propragate-lavender-through-stem-cuttings/
  • Lilacs bloom in the Spring. Their flowers are the most prolific in alternate years.
  • Deadhead the dried flowers to encourage growth and you will enjoy this lovely bush for years to come.

I don’t know about you but a hint of lilac in the morning air always makes be smile. So, take a deep breath and start your day with the heady sights and scents of lovely lilac!

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